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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this?

Whatever you think of’s punishing vetting process, it has exposed just how little work the mainstream media did in investigating candidate Obama back in 2008. Not all of Team Breitbart’s revelations have been election-deciders, but they have often been stuff that a simple Google would have uncovered. If they revealed tomorrow that he’d had his own cross-dressing-themed sitcom on primetime TV in the 1980s, I wouldn’t be surprised.
The latest find is a fascinating inversion of the birther conspiracy. has discovered that in 1991 Barack Obama’s literary agent (who also represented New Kids on the Block) published a booklet that included a biography of the future President. The audience was “business colleagues” in the publishing industry and it was designed to promote Obama’s anticipated first book (later abandoned) called Journeys in Black and White. Here’s how it describes the author’s origins.
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation.
The key phrase here is “was born in Kenya" – and this bio line was apparently being used as late as 2007.

1 comment:

  1. Any question that this usurper needs to be run out of office NOW? The man is illegally holding the highest seat in the American hierarchy which is a spit in the face of the founding fathers.
